Five Questions to Determine if You’re Getting The Best Value For Your Railing Dollar
When a Condominium Association, Hotel, Motel, or private owner must repair or replace weathered or deteriorated railing, they are faced with taking action on possibly several thousand linear feet of material. With such quantities of material at issue, price shopping
Industry Evolution
When the largest oceangoing luxury liner of its time set sail to the open sea, the Titanic was believed by most to be constructed of the very finest materials available. It is now known that the steel used for its hull did not have the tensile strength to withstand an encounter with a large chunk of ice, that notorious iceberg. 1500 people paid dearly for that lack of technical knowledge.
The Best of Both Worlds
As a professional, when you think of railing, what is the first image that comes to mind? If you are like most you think of metal, typically aluminum or steel. Especially is this so among those involved in the design of commercial or high use facilities and buildings. Railing is never really given much thought because it's considered a low tech item. How could you possibly improve on railing?